1981 Dairy Leadership Award

John E. Cooper, Ozark, Missouri

John Cooper, Ozark, Missouri has followed a career that typifies service and devotion to the dairy industry of Missouri and the nation. John was born in 1918 on a dairy farm in Greene County. Over the years his love for the Ozarks has never waned. John and his wife, Jane, live on a 1,293 acre farm, the Triple “C” Ranch, located on Cobb Ridge, with Bull Creek flowing in the valley, in Christian County.

John has had broad experience in the dairy production and marketing field. He graduated from the University of Missouri in 1939 with a B.S. in Agriculture. He majored in dairying was a member of the 1938 UMC Dairy Cattle Judging Team, and Secretary of the Student Dairy Club. As a student, he worked his way through the University at odd jobs—pay 15¢ to 30¢ an hour. He served from 1939-1942 as assistant county agent in Cass and Jackson Counties. In 1942 he become field supervisor and plant manager for Adams Dairy, Blue Springs. He resigned that position in 1955 to become Director of Extension for the Holstein-Friesian Association of America, Brattleboro, Vermont. In 1961 he returned to Adams Dairy as Executive Vice President and General Manager.

Mr. Cooper served as Editor of the Missouri Holstein-Friesian Journal and Secretary of the Missouri Holstein-Friesian Association from 1952-1955. He became Vice President of the State Holstein Association in 1963 and 1964 and President 1965-1966 while continuing to serve as Editor of the Journal from 1962 to the present time. In 1971 he assumed his present position as Secretary-Manager of the Missouri Holstein-Friesian Association.

Under his guidance the Association has grown and prospered with many outstanding herds of national repute developed. A strong cattle sales program, including many animals for foreign export, has been inaugurated and Missouri Holsteins are now moving into many states and countries.

Mr. Cooper’s honors have been many and include membership in the National Dairy Shrine, FFA Service Award, lifetime membership UMC Dairy Club, recognition as a 4-H leader and Board of Governors of the American Royal. He served on the Agriculture Committee of the Kansas City Kiwanis Club and the same Committee for the Kansas City Chamber of Commerce. He was the Charter President of the Blue Springs Rotary Club and one of the organizers of the Missouri Mastitis Council. He has also served as President of the Jackson County Farm Bureau. He helped to organize the Association of Missouri Dairy Organizations in 1963 and has been a director ever since. He now serves President of AMDO and has done much to enlarge and facilitate its program. John also, was a prime mover in establishing the Missouri Livestock and Poultry Health Council and served as its first President. In 1972 Mr. Cooper received the Award of Merit, for Distinguished Service to Agriculture from the Missouri Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta. John is a nationally recognized judge of dairy cattle.

Mr. Cooper is a lifelong member of the Christian Church and he has served as an elder and Treasurer since residing at Ozark. John and his wife, Jane, have four children, and several grandchildren. All of the children are college or university graduates.